Friday, March 16, 2012

Here We Come New York

Wow! Where have the last four years gone? It seems like just yesterday we were meeting for the first time to discuss Team of Rivals and now we are getting ready to pack and head to the Big Apple to bring our journey into biographies to a close. Well not really a close just the end of a chapter, we must remember that biographies are always long.

I have been anxiously waiting for this trip since we first heard we were going to New York. I think for me Ellis Island will be the highlight. I have been doing some family history work over the past years and a few years ago I found my great grandmother in the data base at Ellis Island. This Italian immigrant that came here with her family as a young woman in 1901 was someone I loved, touched, hugged and admired and now I will be able to walk in her footsteps and image her fear and excitement at arriving in America. I can't wait. Although I have been to NYC many times I have never done the "historical tour" and this will be a treat. To share this with fellow teachers and historians will just make it even more special.

To all the wonderful people I have met on this journey you are an amazing group of teachers and friends. I certainly hope we will cross paths again and again. Thank you to all the incredible folks at MHC, Martina, Anne, Libby, Charles, Ken and so many other scholars we have met, you have truly helped make this a most rewarding experience. So lets all count down the days til we depart and get ready to set New York on fire. They just won't know what hit them when this bus load of Mainers land. So here we come New York. The invasion of the TAHers from Maine.